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Post your best shots here

Started by oRGie, October 11, 2009, 03:07:39 PM

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Went to the Southport Fireworks event last night which was a far better display than I have ever seen at their  bigger neighbour Blackpool.... Here are a few shots :legit:


Cracking series of shot Dave.  ;D


And more, much more than this, I did it my way
Ol' blue eyes


Oly Paul

Nice set Dave.

The last woodland walk I did a few days ago at Sandwell Valley and the last of the autumn leaves as there now all gone with the rain and high winds we have had.

Raw processed in Silkypix Pro

Regards Paul
One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am.



One of my fave deer shots taken a few weeks ago in Richmond Park.

"Everything in moderation including moderation" Oscar Wilde


Here is one of my best shots

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Great shot Beryl and love the angle of the head.  :tup:

I guess it wasn't taken in the last eight days!  :'(

Here's one on my best from last week. Taken with the Sigma 50-500mm F4-6.3 handheld.

Grey Heron returning to the nest:

Just Dave

Love the goldcrest Beryl  :tup:

Well done OB on the heron BIF,  :tup:
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Thanks Dave and old boy.

I really like the Heron shot Oldboy. Superb :tup:
A true friend is the best possession

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Oh . And thanks for looking in


I can't resist an invitation like this. Here's a recent moon shot taken with the outgoing Fujifilm HS10 and a SONY 1.7x teleconverter lens.
A recovering SLR phobic



You plan in advance, wait for ages with growing impatience and anticipation, spot the approaching smoke, the excitement builds, then suddenly it's here and gone in an instant. Motor racing is probably much easier! Only get a couple of steamers a year locally and this was the second. And boy, was it moving!

The Guardsman
Simon Warren
(in Dunning, Scotland)


Cracking shot simon. Worth the wait.  :tup:


Such a rare sight Simon. 

I hope it has a snappy short file name ;)
Howard  My CC Gallery
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The theory seems to be that as long as a man is a failure he is one of God's children, but that as soon as he succeeds he is taken over by the Devil. H.L Mencken.


Here is one of my best shots

A true friend is the best possession

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Oh . And thanks for looking in

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