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Software problems not related to photography

Started by Reinardina, May 18, 2023, 11:10:52 AM

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Good morning All,

I hope you are all well and still happily shooting.

It has been quite some time since I was a regular on the site; sadly my photography 'career' is over and I hardly touch my camera these days. My poor eye sight is partially to blame; it also restricts my screen time.

I do remember the site with fondness and I also remember there were quite a few computer savvy people on board.

It is to those I direct my question:
I have had a Hotmail address since Time Immemorial, years before Google appeared on the horizon. I still use it regularly, even though I now have several gmail addresses as well.

For some reason my Hotmail address has suddenly been replaced by an Outlook address with the name Rhea Hampshire. This is an Alias I use for Facebook. I have most definitely not set up this address, but what is worse, I cannot get back into my original Hotmail account. I cannot even type "Hotmail.com" in the address bar without being taken straight to that blasted Outlook address.

However, this morning, before the trouble started, there was a notice on screen telling me there was an email and when I clicked it, Hotmail opened and it looked normal. I did send a few emails to regular contacts to ask them to use a different email address, and thought I would have to send myself an email to open that account, but sadly, that does not work anymore. I fear I may have lost everything I had in my Hotmail account, unless anyone knows how to correct the situation?

I am sorry for this long convoluted story but I could not edit it down to an easier size!

Greetings to all,

Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye.
Shakespeare. (Love's Labours Lost.)


Sorry Boys and Girls, I did manage to get back in! Only cost me a morning.

Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye.
Shakespeare. (Love's Labours Lost.)

Beaux Reflets

I'm useless too when it comes to things IT Reinardina; glad you got it sorted. My condition in Parkinson's makes things more difficult these days, especially when I take hours to type a simple response etc., and I am too shakey to get out and about camera in hand. Good to see you pop in.  :tup:
:beer: Andy

"Light anchors things in place and gives perspective meaning."

The choices we make are rooted in reflection.



Sorry to hear that Andy. Is there no 'voice to text' software you can use? Maybe the tech savvy guys on here know more about that?

Are you now concentrating on 'tripod photography,' or similar, and a cable release?

This is a very 'steady' site; I had not visited in years but found lots of familiar names and faces.

Hello to all 'old familiars'!

Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye.
Shakespeare. (Love's Labours Lost.)


Hi Reinardina great to hear from you. That's the trouble with getting old - things start to fall apart. There are many text to speech software on the internet but never used one so, unable to recommend one to use. Try finding a disabled website which my be able to suggest which one to use. Some are free but others charge a fee. Good luck.  :tup:

Beaux Reflets

I guess voice to text is something I should look at.

Setting up tripod etc. just adds to the tasks for clumsy fingers & swaying torso knocking things for six! So at moment relying on faster shutter speed and burst shooting as & when able to venture.
:beer: Andy

"Light anchors things in place and gives perspective meaning."

The choices we make are rooted in reflection.


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